Thursday, 13 February , 2025

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Plastiverd LBL300

PLASTIVERD LBL300 is a highly modified copolymer of PET (Polyethylene-Terephthalate), delivered in resin pellets. This resin has a very slow crystallization speed and is suitable for a wide range applications. The resin has a neutral tone colour and high transparency in thick cross sections.


PropertyUnitValueTest Method
Intrinsic ViscositydL/gr0’62 ± 0’02LQ-M-001
Colour L≥ 84ASTM 6290
Colour b*≤ 0ASTM 6290
PropertyUnitValueTest Method
Specific Density Crystallineg·cm-31’37
Moisture%< 0’2
Bulk DensityKg·m-3840
Weight of 20 chipsmg320
Melting PointºC225-235
Typical Moulding TemperatureºC270-270
Drying Conditions – TemperatureºC150-160
Drying Conditions – Timeh5-6

All proper are measured under laboratory conditions by the analytical method shown. Method LQ-M-001 is based on ISO 1628.
Different methods or conditions of analysis may give different values. Purchased material will be accompanied by Certificate or Analysis, with representative average values of specified properties.

Food Contact Statement: PLASTIVERD LBL300 complies with the composition of requirements of the Regulation (EC) No 10/2011 and the EU directive on Packaging Waste (94/62/EC) and its amendments. For more information, contact your local Plastiverd representative.

For queries or further information relating to this statement summary document please contact with Costumer Service