Thursday, 13 February , 2025

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PlastiVerd UNIQUE A25

PLASTIVERD UNIQUE A25 combines both post-consumer recycled PET and virgin PET resin in every single pellet. The virgin resin base is our PLASTIVERD AQUA, yet made using 25% clean recycled PET material as feedstock. It makes it possible to replace conventional non-renewable petrochemical raw materials, saving natural resources and reducing environmental impact. PLASTIVERD UNIQUE A25 is suitable for processing by stretch blow moulding in one and particularly two stage processes. Its formulation has been specially developed for the packaging of still or lightly carbonated water. It has the required mechanical strength, colour, transparency and excellent organoleptic properties that this kind of packaging demands.

PLASTIVERD UNIQUE A25 is produced by means of a proprietary chemical recycling process. The clean recycled PET is de-polymerized and mixed together with standard virgin PET raw materials, integrating both types of components into the re-polymerization process. Decontamination challenge tests prove that our production process results in a resin as pure as 100% virgin resin, even under the strictest conditions. For this reason, PLASTIVERD UNIQUE A25 can safely be used for all direct food contact applications

PropertyUnitValueTest Method
Intrinsic ViscositydL/gr0’78 ± 0’02LQ-M-001
Colour L≥ 76ASTM 6290
Colour b*≤ 1ASTM 6290
Acetaldehydeppm≤ 1LQ-M-004
PropertyUnitValueTest Method
Specific Density Crystallineg·cm-31’39
Bulk DensityKg·m-3840
Weight of 20 chipsmg320
Melting PointºC240-250
Typical Moulding TemperatureºC270-290
Drying Conditions – TemperatureºC165-175
Drying Conditions – Timeh5-6

All proper are measured under laboratory conditions by the analytical method shown. Method LQ-M-001 is based on ISO 1628 and LQ-M-004 is based on ASTM F2013. Different methods or conditions of analysis may give different values. Purchased material will be accompanied by Certificate or Analysis, with representative average values of specified properties.

Food Contact Statement: PLASTIVERD UNIQUE A25 complies with the composition of requirements of the Regulation (EC) No 10/2011 and the EU directive on Packaging Waste (94/62/EC) and its amendments. For more information, contact your local Plastiverd representative.

For queries or further information relating to this statement summary document please contact with Costumer Service